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Assembly Source File
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This routine can help you maintain currency variables to a fixed
number of decimal places. This is the VB version of the code.
Written by Jim Mack, CIS 76630,2012, bix "jsmack"
Copyright 1991, Editing Services Co. All rights reserved.
Free for non-commercial use: commercial rights freely granted on
written request, with acknowledgement of copyright.
DECLARE SUB CurrFix lib "currfix.dll" (CurrVal@, ByVal Places%, ByVal Truncate%)
Adjusts the passed Currency variable (if required) to remove one
or more digits to the right of the decimal point.
CurrVal@ is directly modified, not returned as a function result.
Places% may be 0 to 3 and will result in a value with the indicated
number of digits beyond the decimal point. Other values are ingored
with CurrVal@ left unchanged.
If Truncate% is non-zero the excess places are simply removed,
otherwise the value is rounded using traditional financial rounding.
Performs the equivalent of the following Basic code:
CVal@ = INT((CVal@ * (10^n)) + .5) / (10^n)
Floating point is avoided for maximum speed.
by equ <byte ptr> ;; convenient shorthand macros
wo equ <word ptr>
bit equ <1 shl>
EPNegate MACRO MemArg ;; extended-precision integer unary negate
xor ax, ax
neg wo MemArg
not wo MemArg+2
not wo MemArg+4
not wo MemArg+6
adc MemArg+2, ax
adc MemArg+4, ax
adc MemArg+6, ax
PTable dw 10000, 1000, 100, 10
CurrFix PROC uses di si, currval:dword, places, truncate
lds si, currval ; --> currency value
mov sgn, 0
test by 7[si], bit 7 ; negative?
jz @f
dec sgn ; yes, indicate for exit
EPNegate [si] ; and make positive (negate -number)
mov bx, places
cmp bx, 0
jl cferr
cmp bx, 3
jna @f ; all OK
cferr: jmp cfx90 ; ignore if > 3 or < 0
@@: add bx, bx
mov cx, PTable[bx]
mov ax, 6[si]
xor dx, dx
div cx
mov 6[si], ax
mov ax, 4[si]
div cx
mov 4[si], ax
mov ax, 2[si]
div cx
mov 2[si], ax
mov ax, [si]
div cx
mov [si], ax ; value MOD [CX] in DX now
shr cx, 1
xor ax, ax
cmp truncate, ax ; round or truncate?
jne @f ; truncate: skip next test
cmp dx, cx ; clear carry if remainder >= half
jc @f
adc [si], ax
adc 2[si], ax
adc 4[si], ax
adc 6[si], ax
; Multiplying will restore zeroes to the last places
shl cx, 1 ; restore divisor as multiplier
mov ax, [si]
mul cx
mov di, dx ; accumulate partial product
mov [si], ax
mov ax, 2[si]
mul cx
mov bx, dx
mov 2[si], ax
mov ax, 4[si]
mul cx
push dx
mov 4[si], ax
mov ax, 6[si]
mul cx
mov 6[si], ax
pop dx
add 2[si], di ; shifted partial product in DX:BX:DI
adc 4[si], bx
adc 6[si], dx
cmp sgn, 0 ; was negative?
je cfx90
EPNegate [si] ; if so, make negative again
CurrFix ENDP